Concentration dimension

In mathematics — specifically, in probability theory — the concentration dimension of a Banach space-valued random variable is a numerical measure of how “spread out” the random variable is compared to the norm on the space.


Let (B, || ||) be a Banach space and let X be a Gaussian random variable taking values in B. That is, for every linear functional in the dual space B, the real-valued random variable 〈X〉 has a normal distribution. Define

\sigma(X) = \sup \left\{ \left. \sqrt{\mathbf{E}[\langle \ell, X \rangle^{2}]} \,\right|\, \ell \in B^{\ast}, \| \ell \| \leq 1 \right\}.

Then the concentration dimension d(X) of X is defined by

d(X) = \frac{\mathbf{E}[\| X \|^{2}]}{\sigma(X)^{2}}.

